- Dost thou know who made thee? 你可知道谁造你的?
- "Dost thou know me so little, Hester Prynne? “难道你这么不了解我吗,海丝特 - 白兰?
- DUKE OF ILLYRIA: what dost thou know? 伊利里亚公爵:您深知的是什么?
- Did he who made the Lamb make thee? 难道是他造了你也造了羊羔?
- Who made thee a prince and a judge over us? Intendest thou to kill me, as thou killedst the Egyptian? And Moses feared, and said, Surely this thing is known. 那人说,谁立你作我们的首领和审判官呢,难道你要杀我,像杀那埃及人吗。摩西便惧怕,说,这事必是被人知道了。
- KJV] Dost thou know the balancings of the clouds, the wondrous works of him which is perfect in knowledge? [新译]密云怎样浮于空中,那知识全备者奇妙的作为,你知道吗?
- Dost thou know when God disposed them, and caused the light of his cloud to shine? 神怎样吩咐这些,又怎样使云中的电光照耀,你知道吗?
- Dost thou know the balancings of the clouds, the wondrous works of him which is perfect in knowledge? 云彩如何浮于空中,那知识全备者奇妙的作为,你知道吗。
- "Dost thou know, Hester," said Arthur Dimmesdale, with an unquiet smile, "that this dear child, tripping about always at thy side, hath caused me many an alarm? “你知道,海丝特,”阿瑟 - 丁梅斯代尔带着不安的微笑说,“这个总是在你身边蹦蹦跳跳的可爱的孩子,曾经多次引起我心惊肉跳吗?
- But he that did his neighbour wrong thrust him away, saying, Who made thee a ruler and a judge over us? 那欺负邻舍的,把他推开说,谁立你作我们的首领,和审判官呢。
- Dost thou know the man? 你认识那人吗?
- Little lamb, who made thee? 小羊羔,是谁造就了你?
- As a matter of fact we know who she was: a girl in Paris called Carmen who made her living as a model, and was still alive as lately as l950. 其实我们知道她是谁:一个叫卡门的巴黎女子,以做模特为生,20世纪50年代还健在。
- "Dost thou know thy mother now, child?" “现在你认识你妈妈了吧,孩子?”
- This Moses whom they refused, saying, Who made thee a ruler and a judge? the same did God send to be a ruler and a deliverer by the hand of the angel which appeared to him in the bush. 这摩西、就是百姓弃绝说、谁立你作我们的首领、和审判官的.神却藉那在荆棘中显现之使者的手、差派他作首领、作救赎的。
- As a matter of fact we know who she was: a girl in Paris called Carmen who made her living as a model,and was still alive as lately as l950. 其实我们知道她是谁:一个叫卡门的巴黎女子,以做模特为生,20世纪50年代还健在。
- As a matter of fact we know who she was: a girl in Paris called Carmen who made her living as a model, and was still alive as lately as 1950. 其实我们知道她是谁:一个叫卡门的巴黎女孩,以做模特为生,1950年时还健在。
- "Dost thou know, child, wherefore thy mother wears this letter?" “孩子,你知道你妈妈为什么要戴这个字母吗?”
- They’ll shoot him at midnight in the barracks so that no one will know who made up the squad, nike dunks they’ll bury him right there.Rebeca kept on waiting. 反过来说,当杭州装饰公司男友告诉你什么事情时,有什么不清楚或听不懂的就当面提出来,不要让对方以为你有听懂,到最后你又好像什么都不知道地跑来再问他一遍。
- "Who is that man, Hester?" gasped Mr. Dimmesdale, overcome with terror. "I shiver at him! Dost thou know the man? I hate him, Hester!" “那人是谁,海丝特?”丁梅斯代尔先生心惊胆战地喘着气说。“我一见他就发抖!你认识那人吗?我恨他,海丝特!”她记起了她的誓言,便默不作声。